SEPA CREATOR: Approved by 3 of the 5 biggest banks in Croatia

Your feed has been full of our AI products lately (we’ll allow ourselves to say deservedly), but our core business is still related to the financial industry. Well, it’s time to put this part of our solutions in the shop window again. One, dare we say more ingenious, is SEPA CREATOR – a tool for creating test files for SEPA functionalities.
Why ingenious? If you are (un)lucky enough to prepare for the new SEPA rulebook changes, then you are drowning in work. That is, more than usual.
“The tool has been used for years in domestic banks to facilitate the testing of all major regulatory changes in the field of payments. More recent examples are the introduction of the euro, the introduction of European payment instruments, or any other major change such as this year’s changes to the SEPA rulebook”, explains Vjekoslav Martinčić, our vice president with considerable experience in the financial industry.
It is important to note that this product is not exclusively for the Croatian market. SEPA CRATOR is a product that could make the job easier for any QA tester in the SEPA area. “The largest Croatian banks are current users of the app, and we expect that this tool will become recognized by other banks in the country and abroad in the coming period,” adds Vjeko.
Quite plastically, from three lines of data, with the new changes to the SEPA rulebook, we are now moving to 16 lines of data. This change will go to production by the end of November. It is introduced by all banks in the SEPA area, including national ones. Now you do the math. How much time do you have, and do you have enough people to test everything to the deadline?
⏰ 👉 Seriously, calculate how much it would cost to create 10,000 messages manually, knowing that there is a tool executing the job flawlessly in only a few seconds.
Let’s save the QA testers!